When in game press the tilde key (` or ~) and type in codes you want to use.

ini, go under then add “EnableCheats=1” without quotation marks. Of course if there is any bugs or errors these will be assessed as well. Just remove all these files from the relevent folders in your K1 directory.

If you also want the MotOR Yavin launcher copy the Launcher folder to your KotOR directory. Where can I find the motor Yavin launcher? My advice is go to Yavin after you leave Dantooine, after you escape the Leviathan (pick going to Yavin when you leave the third planet you’ll still be captured, but will automatically head there after), and before you head to the Unknown Planet. It doesn’t have anything to do with the main story and visiting it is completely optional however, there is some pretty good equipment you can get for yourself and your party members if you have the credits. When KOTOR first came out on Xbox, Yavin Station was only available via downloadable content. They’re are 10 new modules in total and a great new storyline. This mod will add an entire new planet to KotOR I, Yavin IV. Through cunning and manipulation, Sidious killed his master to claim the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Truly, the most powerful Sith Lord was Darth Sidious, better known in his public persona of Chancellor (later Emperor) Palpatine. But for someone picking it up today for the first time, the gameplay and visuals will show their age. The writing holds up exceptionally well, and, as I said, will likely hold its own as the years go by.

There is a reason that it has the reputation that it does – but it’s not for its gameplay. The game will force your main character to level up to 2 during the tutorial. Your main character will start as either a soldier, scout, or scoundel, and become a jedi shortly after leaving Taris.